Skip the hourly rates and learn how to create a VIP Day and Productized Service.

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In this video, you’ll learn how to skip the hourly rates by offering VIP Days and Productized Services to boost your income and simplify your workflow.


A Better Way to Think About Productized Services
What is a pricing breakdown?
How to price your services
Sales Page in a Day
Examples of VIP Days/Day Rates

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If you’re a freelancer tired of hourly projects, this video is for you. 

I’ll share 2 ways you can monetize your skills – VIP Day and Productized Service.

Why would you want to make the pivot?

VIP days and PS allow you to earn more, streamline your workflow, and avoid burnout.

So, no more selling your time by the hour. No more proposals or customizing every project for each client. And no more late payments.

You can speed up the onboarding process, finish the project faster (if your workflow is streamlined), and move on to the next project.

0:32 VIP Day

The first service is the VIP Day, a one-day, intensive service where you deliver a specific outcome or solution in a day, instead of having projects drag on for weeks or months. 

This is also known as Day Rate or Book My Day.

This entire day, you’re focusing on 1 client and 1 project, working 3-7 hours for a flat fee

For example, you could launch a website, a sales page, or a podcast – all in one day. 

This service is sorta like offering a rough draft or minimum viable solution quickly.

VIP Days don’t have to be high-priced packages like a PS. Just the essentials. 

You can book as many projects as you can handle and have a wait list if you’re fully booked.

You can also offer discounts for returning clients – whether it’s a half or a full day.  

1:14 Productized Service

A PS is a pre-packaged, repeatable offering sold like a product. 

These are done-for-you services with a fixed price, delivered with a streamlined workflow.

Clients know exactly what they’re getting and how much it costs, just like with Netflix or Spotify’s monthly subscriptions.

Examples include WP support, video or podcast editing,  SEO audits, social media or content packages.

1:39 How to create one

Identify Client Needs > Define Scope > Set Pricing

Ready to create your own? Start by figuring out your client’s biggest pain points.

Then, define the scope of work you can deliver consistently. How will you take them from point A (inquiry) to Z (outcome)?

Create a process or framework for this. Like a 5-step framework, you can repeat each time.

Finally, set your pricing. For this, I recommend watching this video to help with pricing.


Or, grab the PS guide to figure out how to create and price your services.

Start with beta pricing if it’s a new service. Once you’ve some experience, update your workflow, and sales page, and adjust the price.

2:19 Promote

Once you figure out your packages and prices, it’s time to promote it.

Website – Your sales page should answer: who is this service for, what is it, how long does it take, what are the benefits, and what are the next steps – so do they fill out an application or schedule a call?

Blog – Mention your services at the end of blog posts.

YouTube – Add a featured video on your channel or create a “work with me” playlist with case studies, testimonials, or a video sales letter. 

Add a link to the services page, video, or playlist in the description. 

Promote your services in your videos like a mini ad. 

Pinterest – Design a graphic and link to your sales page.

Newsletter – Add a “Here’s how to work with me” section at the end of your emails.

You can also list your services on 3rd party platforms like Contra and Upwork.

If you’re interested in knowing more, subscribe or follow. Or sign up at to get the full transcript of every episode and for updates for when the next episode drops.


Hi, I’m Marjy! Digital Creator and Content Manager for creatives and online service providers. If you’re enjoying this post, here are other ways you can connect with me: