I'm sharing 9 things I learned from my Human Design as a 3/5 Projector.

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Related: A Human Design, Human Design cheat sheet

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In this video I’m sharing 9 things I learned from my Human Design.

If you went down the human design rabbit hole, then you should already know the basics.

But if you’re new to this, I added some resources below to help you learn more.

I recommend this book here to save you the trouble of watching 30+ videos. It was easy to understand, and I wish I found this first before doing all that researching.

So, I am a numerology and astrology nerd. But new to HD.

I think the first video I watched was from Amanda Horvath

I don’t know how it came on my feed, but that’s all it took for me to go down that rabbit hole on YT and Pinterest.

This video was about business marketing which was my weakness, and after researching, it finally clicked.

All the struggles, experimenting, trial and error.

For the past few years, it’s been

But after doing a deep dive, it all makes sense.

First thing I learned was the type – as a Projector – the natural guide and leader (which also works out for me as a Life Path 1) and problem solver, always focused on the big picture.

Focus and save energy on learning or studying, working smarter, not harder (which doesn’t help if you’re hourly), simplifying and automating processes, creating repeatable workflows, researching, summarizing, and organizing.

Doing all these and actually enjoying them means looking for roles as an analyst – business, systems, or research analyst and PM.

For freelancing – creating productized services and VIP days works best for me. no proposals, no cold outreach, no talking about pricing since it’s listed on my sales page – so no surprises.

Second thing, the profile – 3/5 – the resilient problem-solver, learning through experiences then sharing solutions.

You can find the lines here.

Line 3 – Conscious side/personality – the martyr – the trial and error, experimenting and finding better ways to do or learn something, then sharing it. An example of this is studying and failing or passing tech certs, then coming up with and sharing a study plan or resources guide with followers. Another ex is this channel. Frustrated with not finding the answer so, I figured it out and posted a video of the solution.

Line 5 – unconcious side/design – the heretic – sharing the solutions, but also trying to be the fixer of everything. I’ve had lots of Ls from this, so i’m working on my tunnel vision.

Next, is definition – Split

There’s a disconnect from the head and ajna with the rest of the body. I need to connect with others and bridge the gap.

In the micro habits video, i talked about how I want to add 3rd spaces to my routine (other than Sbux). The reason is to connect with others like I did before covid happened. Lots of brainstorming ideas came from the connections I made, who I’m assuming are generators.

For Inner Authority – Emotional – Solar Plexus – listen to my gut

Making quick decisions usually comes with regret. So with that info, if it’s not a “hell yes”, then I give myself time to sleep on it and feel the feels before I decide.

Strategy: Wait for the Invitation and recognition

Learning about my strategy made things click for me. My marketing strategy now is strictly inbound marketing. All i have to do is be visible, and i do that with my content, whether that’s thru YT which my main platform, the blog, and Pinterest, my goal is to make it easy for folks to find me.

So no sliding into DMs, or cold calls, or multiple platforms, meaning no burnout.

When it comes to employment or freelancing, for me – it’s always been WOM or someone else making first contact.

And when I did the opposite, this led to the next thing.

Which is my not-self theme – bitterness

When things don’t go right or I’m not recognized, I turn into a bitter mofo. Now this means, i need to go back to my strategy of waiting for invites.

A quick run-through of some other things I learned

Individual channel – 28/38 struggle and purpose

I always wondered why i was always on the struggle bus.. Now i just go with the flow bc it’s part of the journey.

Same with Incarnation cross – things never go as planned, so I expect the unexpected. Which is usually why I have a backup plan to my backup plan just in case shit hits the fan.

Defined channels and centers – the colored parts, this energy I have at all times, connected gates (or gifts/talents) are the channels

If you get your chart from Pure Generators, there are other things about your personality.

Like determination, cognition, environment, motivation, and perspective.

My need is my motivation in life and work – so to be fulfilled, I need to focus and work on what needs to be done at that moment for myself and others. This helps me avoid all the distractions.

My cognition is outer vision so i learn best through visuals and use visuals to share my thoughts and ideas

Determination is high sound so i need sounds and music to focus on for clarity

My perspective is wanting – I find the gaps or what’s lacking in a situation, env, or system, figure out how to reach the desired goal, and then take action. So im always moving forward and looking for better. This comes in handy for my personal and prof projects.

And, lastly my environment is kitchen – which goes back to the 3rd places and needing to connect with others.

Knowing all of this info, the top things I need to do or focus on are:

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Hi, I’m Marjy! Digital Creator and Content Manager for creatives and online service providers. If you’re enjoying this post, here are other ways you can connect with me: