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In this episode, learn how to launch a digital product effortlessly by keeping the process simple and effective. From product creation ideas to tools and platforms, discover actionable tips to help you launch and promote your product successfully.

Key Takeaways:


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Launching Your First Digital Product: A Quick and Simple Guide

Four years ago, I launched my first digital product, and now I’m in the process of updating and relaunching it. If you’ve been sitting on an idea for your first or next product, this post is your sign to get started. Not only can you showcase your skills and expertise to your audience, but you can also gain some extra income on autopilot.

Keep It Simple: My Creation Process

My #1 goal is to help you keep things simple because the harder you make it, the longer it’ll take to launch. I’ll walk you through my quick, simple, and somewhat organized creation process so you can get some ideas.

What Products Can You Sell?

There are many types of digital products you can create, such as:

You can also mix and match to add value. Last time, I created a toolkit that bundled swipe files, courses, templates, and guides all into one package.

Solving a Problem: The Key to a Successful Product

Your main goal should be to solve a problem for your audience. Whether it’s saving or making money or saving time, think about how your product can help your audience achieve these goals. Here are some important questions to ask yourself:

For instance, I’m offering a low-cost item and keeping it under $30. Your product can be priced anywhere between $5 to $100 or more, depending on its value.

Refreshing Your Product with Brainstorming

Since my toolkit is somewhat outdated, I wanted to add some new elements to keep it fresh. For this, I used ChatGPT for brainstorming. Here’s a prompt you can use:

“I am a [your role] for [your audience], and I help them [problem you solve]. What are some digital products I can sell to make passive income like templates or crash courses?”

For example, I’m a content manager for YouTubers and podcasters, so I asked for ideas like Notion templates or crash courses. ChatGPT suggested products like templates, courses, kits, newsletter ideas, eBooks, and graphic packs. For you, it could be Canva templates for non-designers or a CapCut tutorial for beginners.

Expanding on Existing Content

Another idea is to expand on a popular YouTube video. If you have one that resonates with your audience, use that idea as a basis for your product.

Pro tip: If you’re creating a course or eBook, check out Amazon for ideas. Look at the chapters of similar books to outline your content, and read the comments and reviews for feedback to see if anything was missing from the original.

Validate Your Idea Before Launching

Once you figure out what to create, try asking your audience if it’s something they’d be interested in. You don’t want to do all the work only to find that no one buys it.

Before I launched, I shared my idea with my ideal customers on Twitter and my email list. I received responses confirming that this product would be helpful for them. So, I created an MVP (minimum viable product) and shared it with those who replied. This allowed me to create and do a soft launch to gather feedback quickly.

Where to Sell Your Digital Products

In this video, I share various platforms where you can sell your items, such as:

You’ll also find tools to create your product or screen record if you’re adding videos. On these platforms, make sure you add images of the item or a video walkthrough and list the benefits, the outcome, and any testimonials you have.

Promoting Your Product

Once you’ve created and launched your product, it’s time to promote it. Here are a few ways to do that:

I did this in my first week and got my first sale post-launch within 24 hours.

Final Tip: Keep It Simple

Hopefully, you don’t spend too much time creating your product. Keep the process super simple so you can quickly launch and then ask for feedback from customers to improve it as you go.

If you’re interested in knowing more, subscribe or follow. Or sign up at briefgems.substack.com to get the full transcript of every episode and for updates for when the next episode drops.


Hi, I’m Marjy! Digital Creator and Content Manager for creatives and online service providers. If you’re enjoying this post, here are other ways you can connect with me: